Now you can license Mine Sweeper Classic and other classic HTML5 games (Solitaire, Battleships, Pool, Poker, Chess, Baccarat…) and publish them on your site or app.
Mine Sweeper Classic is the comeback of the biggest time waster game (along with Solitaire) from the golden days of Windows XP.
Who would have guessed that dismantling mines could be such a relaxing, distended activity? Take a soft start with an easy small board, and then, once you’re familiar with the mechanics, move on to tougher boards, flooded with dozens of mines. It’s such a perfect activity to play in auto-pilot mode while you’re waiting on the train station, or the dentist, or even while you’re waiting for an actual bomb defuse alarm! That would definitely keep your nerves steady for real action.
Hey Mister Content Manager! Just be nice to your audience of boomers and get them this wonderful, masterfully crafted piece of game and let them feel alive!

Title: Mine Sweeper Classic
Genre: Board Games, Classic Games
Technology: HTML5
Game framework: Phaser
Year of publication: 2019